Adverbs starting with I are words that describe a verb or an adjective, adding information about how, when, or where something is done. Here you will find a comprehensive list of adverbs beginning with the letter I. Each adverb is defined and presented in context in order to more fully understand its meaning and usage. The list is organized alphabetically and includes common adverbs as well as those that are less common. With this resource, you will be able to build a more robust vocabulary and expand your knowledge of the English language.
Adverbs Starting With I
Importantly | Incoherently | Indirectly |
Imperfectly | Immoderately | Inappropriately |
Imperatively | Indignantly | Inconspicuously |
Impetuously | Imperturbably | In contrast to |
Improvisationally | Indecisively | Incidently |
Impressively | Inaccurately | Inconclusively |
Imprimis | Incredulously | Immorally |
Indivisibly | Incautiously | Impolitely |
In the same way | Indiscernibly | Impassively |
Implacably | Illuminatedly | Increasingly |
Impudently | Inasmuch | Indeterminedly |
Importunately | Imposingly | Indifferently |
Importunely | Illegibly | In |
Impressionably | Idiotically | Indefinitely |
Impunibly | Incompliantly | Inadvertently |
Improbably | Inconsequentially | Incuriously |
In contrast | Indebtedly | Implausibly |
Impotently | Illicitly | Idly |
Impertinently | Immensely | Immaturely |
Impersonally | Indicatively | Improperly |
Imperially | Independently | Imprudently |
Inattentively | Illogically | Impulsively |
Inclusively | Indiscriminatingly | Inaudibly |
Indelibly | Immediately | Impeccably |
Incompletely | Incestuously | Identically |
Inanely | Ideally | Inarguably |
Imperceptibly | Imaginatively | Immovably |
Inconceivably | Individually | Ignorantly |
In comparison | Ibidem | Incorrectly |
Indignly | Incorrigibly | Indolently |
Illatively | Improvidently | Inadequately |
Indistinctly | Illegally | Impededly |
Iambically | Inconsequently | Ill-naturedly |
Imputably | Impliedly | Incoordinately |
Indiscreetly | Immutably | Incivilly |
Impossibly | Idolisingly | Incongrously |
In addition | Imbalancedly | Incrementally |
Incurably | Icily | Immaculately |
Inconsistently | Incedingly | Indelicately |
Illustratively | Incredibly | Incisely |
Impolarily | In the event | Incidentally |
Inconsiderately | Impressedly | Impartially |
Inarticulately | Incompetently | Illiberally |
Imitatively | Impatiently |
Inactively | Idiosyncratically | Inaptly |
Indecorously | Incisively | Incapably |
Incessantly | Immortally | Inauspiciously |
Incomprehensibly | Impishly | Incog |
Imminently | Impliably | Immodestly |
Ignobly | Indeed | Immeasurably |
Imperiously | Inconveniently | Impalpably |
Ill-temperedly | Impurely | Illusively |
In fact | Indigently | Ill-humoredly |
Indecently | Idealistically | Imploringly |
Indiscriminately | Inconsolably | Inculpably |
Impiously | Implicitly | Incitingly |
Imprecisely | Indentedly |
List 2 (Adverbs that start with i)
Inerrably | Ingeniously | Inversely |
Invariably | Insouciantly | Inquisitively |
Insolently | Inimitably | Intrusively |
Ineffectually | Insociably | Insinuatingly |
Inertly | Infrequently | Iwis |
Infatuatedly | Infuriatingly | Introvertedly |
Ineffectively | Inspiredly | Intimidatedly |
Inland | Irregular adverbs | Interestingly |
Influentially | Insistently | Ingrately |
Insensitively | Intricately | Irrelevantly |
Ineloquently | Insofar | Iniquitously |
Injuredly | Intolerantly | Inhumanly |
Innately | Informally | Inexperiencedly |
Insincerely | Insultingly | Inevitably |
Infra | Inexcusably | Inexpiably |
Ineffably | Inopportunely | Involuntarily |
Instantly | Issuably | Irreverently |
Infinitely | Irascibly | Introspectively |
Insultedly | Inimically | Intimidatingly |
Insubstantially | Inerringly | Industrially |
Inhospitably | Inoffensively | Innocuously |
Intermittently | Initially | Insecurely |
Intoxicatingly | Insomuch | Invasively |
Interestedly | Infallibly | Inherently |
Intendedly | Irresistibly | Irrevocably |
Inelegantly | Insensibly | Invaluably |
Invertedly | Intriguedly | Inside |
Inviolably | Irksomely | Informatively |
Inebriatedly | Intire | Invectively |
Intelligently | Inutilely | Integrally |
Irregularly | Insooth | Inexorably |
Innerly | Itchily | Intensely |
Ingratiatingly | Irately | Inhumanely |
Invincibly | Inexpertly | Invitingly |
Instinctually | Irrationally | Instantaneously |
Instead | Ingenuously | Inward |
Ironhandedly | Inhalingly | Intractably |
Industriously | Insignificantly | Inharmoniously |
Irritatedly | Ineptly | Intoxicatedly |
Insightfully | Innocently | Intelligibly |
Irreligiously | Irritatingly | Intangibly |
Injudiciously | Inexplicably | Inexactly |
Inwards | Irritably | Interiorly |
Infectiously | Inflexibly | Inwardly |
Intransigently | Insidiously | Infirmly |
Insufficiently | Insubordinately | Intrepidly |
Invigoratingly | Inexpressively | Intimately |
Irrepressibly | Intangily | Indulgently |
Irresolutely | Inspiringly | Irenically |
Intuitively | Intentionally | Inordinately |
Irresponsibly | Intently | Indoors |
Isolatedly | Infernally | Insanely |
Intemperately | Intriguingly | Inferiorly |
Instructively | Invigoratedly | Inwith |
Ironically | Interrogatively | Instinctively |
Interminably | Inquiringly | Introductorily |
Item | Insularly | Insatiably |
Insufferably | Invisibly | Inscrutably |
Internally | Infamously | Insipidly |
Inventively |
The use of adverbs starting with “I“ can be a great way to add emphasis and express yourself more accurately and descriptively. Therefore, it is safe to say that adverbs starting with “I“ can be a useful tool in communication. Adverbs starting with “I” are a valuable resource for communication.