Adverbs that start with DÂ are words that describe how, when, or where an action takes place. Examples include deeply, diligently, daily, daintily, daringly, deliberately, and delicately. They can be used to express degree, frequency, certainty, or other aspects of a verb’s meaning. Adverbs that start with ‘D’ can be used to describe everyday activities, or to give emphasis or clarity to a statement.
Adverbs That Start With D
Drippily | Daftly | Distinguishedly |
Diametrically | Dextrously |
Depressingly | Dictatorily | Disenchantedly |
Deplorably | Daintily | Drenchedly |
Devastatedly | Defenselessly | Disorganizedly |
Detestably | Discerningly | Doubtlessly |
Damned | Depreciatorily | Disreputably |
Deucedly | Disparagingly | Divinely |
Devotionally | Discernibly | Distemperately |
Demoniacally | Dishearteningly | Dominantly |
Deadpan | Dimwittedly | Dismissively |
Devotedly | Distrustingly | Downfield |
Deferentially | Disturbedly | Discourteously |
Damnably | Damn | Downwards |
Dependently | Dismayedly | Dreamily |
Dependably | Desultorily | Downstream |
Darkly | Dissolutely | Downstairs |
Dangerously | Dismayingly | Discriminatingly |
Deprecatingly | Discontentedly | Disorientedly |
Decorously | Distastefully | Dreamlessly |
Detrimentally | Diagrammatically | Droopingly |
Dear | Discomfortingly | Domestically |
Deafeningly | Direfully | Downright |
Deformedly | Discouragingly | Disconcertedly |
Defamatorily | Distressingly | Drowsily |
Deprecatively | Disconsolately | Disrespectfully |
Desirously | Diversely | Disruptively |
Derivatively | Discomposedly | Dwindlingly |
Dandily | Disputatiously | Draggingly |
Desolately | Differently | Disillusionedly |
Descendingly | Disjointedly | Dreamfully |
Defectively | Decipherably | Duskily |
Disagreeingly | Distally | Discordantly |
Differentially | Disobediently | Domineeringly |
Despisingly | Distributively | Duplicitously |
Deservedly | Deceivingly | Dolce |
Dauntedly | Doughtily | Draconially |
Dapperly | Disdainfully | Dustily |
Directly | Demonstrably | Dourly |
Disappointingly | Developmentally | Disloyally |
Delusively | Demandingly | Disheveledly |
Dauntingly | De Facto | Dulcetly |
Derisively | Downcastly | Docilely |
Directionally | Downhill | Dolorously |
Devoutly | Dejectedly | Doubtingly |
Disagreeably | Dizzyingly | Dorsally |
Devilishly | Dolefully | Dowdily |
Disastrously | Downward | Dotingly |
De Novo | Dignifiedly | Doltishly |
Digitally | Demurely | Distantly |
Disapprovingly | Disappointedly | Distraughtly |
Despairingly | Downriver | Disquietly |
Diffusely | Daily | Duteously |
Diabolically | Distressedly | Dryly |
Decreasingly | Dishonestly | Distractingly |
Deceptively | Deftly | Drunkenly |
Dedicatedly | Dashingly | Drainedly |
Diffidently | Disproportionately | Drolly |
Direly | Doubly | Drastically |
Dazedly | Defiantly | Due |
Disbelievingly | Dizzily | Dully |
Destructively | Dirtily | Dramatically |
Deductively | Defensively | Dutifully |
Decidedly | Despotically | Disgustedly |
Decadently | Despitefully | Drearily |
Dimly | Downtroddenly | Disinterestedly |
Densely | Dexterously | Downstage |
Delicately | Dissuasively | Dissatisfiedly |
Deviously | Disadvantageously | Dividedly |
Dictatorially | Derangedly | Disfavorably |
Derisorily | Deceitfully | Downheartedly |
Damply | Divertedly | Disgustingly |
Debasedly | Doggedly | Dodgily |
Delectably | Disingenuously | Doctrinally |
Diagonally | Down |
Descriptively | Dottily | Discursively |
Delightfully | Dismally | Disquietedly |
Diligently | Dissentingly | Dispiritedly |
Deflectingly | Drawlingly | Downwind |
Depravedly | Disarmingly | Dorsoventrally |
Dimensionally | Deliciously | Downtown |
Determinedly | Dauntlessly | Disquietingly |
Deservingly | Dancingly | Dreadingly |
Demonstratively | Defeatedly | Discreetly |
Dialectically | Dogmatically | Drippingly |
Diminutively | Deflatedly | Dynamically |
Diplomatically | Dissimilarly | Distressfully |
Decoratively | Discretionally | Draftily |
Deadly | Deliberately | Disturbingly |
Despondently | Deludedly | Displeasedly |
Dichotomously | Dazzlingly | Distinctively |
Decisively | Dearly | Distractedly |
Demeaningly | Decently | Ditzily |
Derogatively | Disgracefully | Discretely |
Depressedly | Deeply | Dishonorably |
Delightedly | Disguisedly | Displeasingly |
Difficultly | Democratically | Disobligingly |
Debonairly | Denyingly | Dissonantly |
Designedly | Definitely | Distinctly |
Desperately | Daffily | Drily |
Dingily | Denunciatorily | Dubiously |
Daringly | Droopily | Distrustfully |
Digitately | De Jure | Dreadfully |
Devastatingly | Drably | Dumbfoundedly |
Dead | Deliriously | Disconcertingly |
Deep | Denominationally | Disconnectedly |
Dementedly | Doubtfully | Disgruntledly |
Deathly | Departmentally | Duly |
Didactically | Dispassionately | Dumbly |
Despicably | Deafly | Discreditably |
Detachedly | Divertingly |
Adverbs that start with D can be used to describe a wide range of actions, qualities, and states. These adverbs provide an efficient and effective way to express ideas and feelings within a sentence. Additionally, these adverbs can be used to emphasize certain words or actions and to add emphasis to a specific point within a sentence. As such, adverbs that start with the letter D can be a great tool for writing and speaking.