Adverbs that start with E are words that describe a verb or an adjective and help to provide a more detailed description of an action or a quality. Examples of adverbs that start with the letter E include especially, eventually, extremely, especially, even, and eventually. These adverbs can be used to emphasize, clarify, or modify the meaning of a verb or adjective, making them an essential part of any sentence.
Adverbs That Start With E
Equinoctially | Extravagantly | Extortionately |
Eminently | Ere | Endlong |
Elsewhither | Efficaciously | Ecclesiastically |
Executively | Exultantly | Expeditely |
Epidemically | Evenhandedly | Enharmonically |
Episodically | Enviously |
Easy | Embarrassingly | Encroachingly |
Equally | Emanatively | Excitingly |
Emarginately | Exceptionally | Encouragingly |
Ethereally | Enviably | Effortlessly |
Equatorially | Extraordinarily | Eftsoon(S) |
Esthetically | Enquiringly | Expensively |
Even | Explicitly | Eighthly |
Especially | Egotistically | Effectuously |
Evasively | Exquisitely | Entirely |
Epicyclically | Earnestly | Erstwhile |
Evangelically | Extendedly | Electrically |
Eloquently | Exclusively | Ecologically |
Easterly | Enticingly | Expectedly |
Eventually | Exorbitantly | Early |
Enjoyably | Externally | Erewhile |
Epicurely | Ensemble | Enthrallingly |
Earthward(S) | Exultingly | Endearingly |
Evermore | Exhaustingly | Exasperatingly |
Elsewise | Effulgently | Endermically |
Eschatologically | Excitedly | Erectly |
Exactly | Excusably | Extemporarily |
Emotionlessly | Elaborately | Ergo |
Expectingly | Expletively | Euphemistically |
Expressly | Effectually | Enormously |
Eagerly | Economically | Elatedly |
Erroneously | Eastward(S) | Elegantly |
Effrontuously | Eruditely | Equipollently |
Everywhere | Experientially | Exteriorly |
Engagingly | East | Endurably |
Exponentially | Extensively | Essentially |
Elliptically | Effeminately | Extremely |
Effectively | Ever | Esoterically |
Eligibly | Elvishly | Expeditiously |
Enravishingly | Efficiently | Ethically |
Enduringly | Equitably | Entertainingly |
Energetically | Epigrammatically | Empirically |
Each | Elementarily | Egregiously |
Effusively | Entreatingly | Equivalently |
Elfishly | Exceedingly | Endogenously |
Endlessly | Everywhen | Emphatically |
Edgeways | Eternally | Enigmatically |
Eclectically | Erelong | Expertly |
Environmentally | Eerily | Estimably |
Ectad | Editorially | Exemplarily |
Ebulliently | Enough | Enclitically |
Empathetically | Elementally | Egoistically |
Endemically | Excessively | Eft |
Enchantingly | Earthly | Expectantly |
Everyplace | Equidistantly | Ethnically |
Eccentrically | Evenly | Ethnologically |
Evolutionarily | Etcetera | Eventfully |
Equably | Evidently | Exaggeratedly |
Endwise | Expressively | Experimentally |
Excruciatingly | Endways | Emotionally |
Edgelong | Expansively | Eachwhere |
Else | Erratically | Exchangeably |
Equivocally | Erotically | Extempore |
Electively | Extra | Edgingly |
Exuberantly | Edgewise | Easily |
Electrostatically | Enthusiastically | Eath |
Elenchically | Exhaustively | Earst/erst |
Enterprisingly | Enaunter | Electronically |
Excellently | Everlastingly | Eke |
Evilly | Emulously | Eleemosynarily |
Entad | Expediently | Either |
Emulatively | Elastically | Ecstatically |
Explosively | Educationally | Elsewhere |
Episcopally |
Adverbs that start with E are a great way to add emphasis and description to any sentence. They can be used to describe how something is done or to make a statement more specific. Whether you are writing a story, a poem, or a conversation, adverbs that start with the letter E can be an invaluable asset to your writing.