Adverbs that start with the letter H are words that describe a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. These adverbs can be used to add emphasis or detail to a sentence. Examples of adverbs that start with H include happily, heartily, heavily, honestly, and hopefully.
Adverbs That Start With H
Harassingly | Hatefully | Heretically |
Hellishly | Hard | Hawkishly |
Hereof | Halfway | Harshly |
Helpfully | Heavenly | Hardly ever |
Hennes | Hardily | Half |
Heroically | Heavy-handedly | Haggishly |
Here | Habnab | Haptically |
Heavily | Hardly | Heraldically |
Heliacally | Hence | Hereunder |
Helplessly | Henen | Hedonistically |
Hereunto | Haughtily | Harmlessly |
Hereabout | Heavy | Healthily |
Hecka | Half-heartedly | Hair-raisingly |
Heedfully | Hand-in-hand | Heartbrokenly |
Hermetically | Herehence | Hereby |
Heretofore | Heftily | Hazily |
Hereabouts | Heartrendingly | Half-nakedly |
Hereinto | Heartfeltly | Harriedly |
Hereinafter | Head-first | Heavy-heartedly |
Hereon | Hauntingly | Henceforth |
Heartedly | Herein | Hectically |
Haphazardly | Hamfistedly | Hastily |
Harder | Headily | Hauntedly |
Halfendeal | Haply | Heedlessly |
Haplessly | Hackingly | Heinously |
Hellward | Hereto | Haltingly |
Herewith | Handily | Hereupon |
Head-to-toe | Harmoniously | Healingly |
Heatingly | Haemad | Handsomely |
Habitually | Heart-breakingly | Happily |
Heartenedly | Headlong | Heartily |
Handfastly | Haggardly | Heatedly |
Harmfully | Hereout | Heartlessly |
Harmonically |
(List 2) Adverbs That Start With H
Hopelessly | Hurryingly | Hulkingly |
Humorously | Hungrily | Hostilely |
Highly | However | Hugely |
Homelily | Hitherward | Humanly |
Hideously | Honorably | Hurriedly |
Histrionically | Hospitably | Horribly |
Historically | Homeward | Huntedly |
Hoggishly | Hopingly | Hotly |
Hollowly | Hoarsely | Humbly |
Higher | High | Huffily |
Humanely | Honestly | Honest |
Huskily | Huggingly | Hesitatingly |
Home | Howso | Hissingly |
Hintingly | Hypothetically | Humiliatedly |
Huffingly | Hobblingly | Horrifically |
Horridly | Hourly | Homewards |
Hoveringly | Hyperactively | Hopefully |
Hurtfully | Hypocritically | Horrifiedly |
Hitherto | Hilariously | Hiddenly |
Honourably | Hysterically | Hurtly |
Hubristically | Hesitantly | Honouredly |
Hushedly | Holily | Horizontally |
Horrifyingly | Hurridly | Hypnotically |
In conclusion, Adverbs that start with the have a wide range of uses and can add emphasis to any sentence. They are versatile and can be used to express a range of emotions, opinions, or feelings. With the right adverb, you can make your writing more descriptive and vivid.