Adverbs that start with L are words that describe the action of a verb. They are typically used to provide additional information about the action of the verb. Here you will find a comprehensive list of adverbs that begin with L, as well as a brief description of their usage. This article will help you understand how to use each of these adverbs more effectively in your writing and speaking. So, let’s get started!
Adverbs starting with L
Leastways | Leeward | Laggingly |
Lexically | Lazily | Libidinously |
Liltingly | Lengthily | Lamellarly |
Lauditorily | Learnedly | Lengthwise |
Left | Lacteally | Lamentably |
Leapingly | Lastingly | Leisurely |
Lackadaisically | Languorously | Languishingly |
Leadingly | Labially | Lamely |
Ladylike | Leerily | Left-handedly |
Likely | Lawlessly | Leastwise |
Laboredly | Leisurably | Least |
Limitedly | Lawfully | Leniently |
Limberly | Lightly | Laterally |
Leeringly | Lamentingly | Lankly |
Leanly | Languidly | Leftwardly |
Landwards | Lavishly | Leftward |
Lightheartedly | Limpingly | Later |
Lineally | Late | Licentiously |
Laconically | Lastly | Lecherously |
Licitly | Laterad | Levelly |
Lagly | Les | Landward |
Largely | Latterly | Lacklustrely |
Legibly | Laxly | Lachrymosely |
Left-to-right | Lately | Laboriously |
Lightheadedly | Legalistically | Laughingly |
Likewise | Left-and-right | Labouredly |
Lightfootedly | Laudably | Lethargically |
Lentamente | Liberally | Like |
Lasciviously | Latently | Limply |
Last | Legally | Lethally |
Lief | Laically | Limbmeal |
Lewdly | Less | Libelously |
Laughably | Lifelessly | Leadenly |
Limpidly |
List 2 of Adverbs with L
Lingually | Lustrelessly | Lustily |
Luckily | Lissomely | Lispingly |
Literally | Lollingly | Luridly |
Losingly | Lyrically | Loquaciously |
Lingeringly | Linking adverbs | Ludicrously |
Lostly | Longingly | Lusciously |
Lot | Lopsidedly | Lispily |
Lovelily | Literatim | Lividly |
Loverwise | Lobately | Luminously |
Lowly | Loyally | Listlessly |
Lustfully | Louder | Low |
Longwise | Locally | Lively |
Lyingly | Little | Lithely |
Lucidly | Lowlily | Livingly |
Lonesomely | Longly | Loosely |
Long-windedly | Loftily | Linguistically |
Longest | Livelily | Lushly |
Lots | Long-sufferingly | Lugubriously |
Luculently | Loud | Lower |
Logically | Linearly | Luxuriously |
Liquidly | Long | Lousily |
Loweringly | Lullingly | Loudly |
Lumberingly | Lukewarmly | Lovingly |
Live | Loathingly |
Final Thought:
Adverbs that start with ‘L‘ are a useful tool to add variety and specificity to our speech and writing. They can be used to provide vivid descriptions, emphasize certain ideas, and lend a certain tone to the text. With an understanding of their different meanings, these adverbs can be used to great effect.