Adverbs that start with O can add a spark of creativity and fun to your writing. A great way to expand your vocabulary, adverbs give us more precise ways to explain. In this article, you’ll learn about some common adverbs that start with the letter O and how you can use them in your own writing.
Adverbs That Start With O
Onwardly | Occupiedly | Obtrusively |
One-handedly | Onethe | Ominously |
Off-tune | Oft | Ones |
Oafishly | Offensively | Obediently |
Orderingly | Ofter | On |
Optimistically | Oddly | Occasionally |
Ofttimes | Orally | Obnoxiously |
Open-mouthedly | Openly | Offendedly |
Oathfully | Off-key | Obliviously |
Opposedly | Obeisantly | Observingly |
Orad | Opulently | Observantly |
Offhandedly | Oilily | Obviously |
Ocularly | Obtusely | Onerously |
Obstreperously | Obligatorily | Obsessively |
Ontheotherhand | Optionally | Onwards |
Objectively | Operosely | Often |
Occultly | Opportunely | Openhandedly |
Optically | Officiously | Opaquely |
Obversely | Only | Odorously |
Obsoletely | Obstinately | Obsequiously |
Opposite | Officially | Observably |
Opinionatedly | Optatively | Obligedly |
Obdurately | Onto | Obligingly |
Oracularly | Obscenely | Optimally |
Odiously | Obituarily | Obeyingly |
Online | Once | Oppressively |
Open-mindedly | Oppositely | Off |
Opportunistically | Off-balancingly | Obiter |
Obliquely | Oftentimes | Oblongly |
Obscurely | Onward | Oftener |
List 2 of Adverbs with O
Over-zealously | Organizedly | Others |
Overtime | Overseas | Overbearingly |
Ordinarily | Overleaf | Over-eagerly |
Ostentatiously | Outward | Outwards |
Ordinately | Overwhelmedly | Outside |
Over | Organizingly | Overall |
Organizationally | Other | Outspokenly |
Overmore | Outcept | Orthodoxly |
Overhighly | Overconfidently | Otherways |
Outdoors | Originally | Ovally |
Oversoon | Overhead | Outragedly |
Oxymoronically | Overprotectively | Ornerily |
Outwardly | Overboard | Ostensibly |
Outrightly | Ornamentally | Otherwhere |
Outerly | Overmuch | Overside |
Owlishly | Ornately | Othergates |
Over-joyedly | Oscitantly | Otherwhile |
Over-enthusiastically | Overwhelmingly | Out |
Overly | Outlandishly | Overtly |
Otherwise | Outrageously |
Adverbs that start with “O” are a useful tool for writers to communicate more precisely and accurately. They can be used to describe the manner, place, time, intensity, and degree of an action or to add emphasis to a statement. They can add depth and clarity to sentences and help readers better understand the writer’s intent. With careful and thoughtful use, adverbs that start with “O” can be a valuable asset to any piece of writing.