Adverbs that start with P are words that are used to modify or describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs are an important part of any language, as they can add a great deal of depth and nuance to sentences. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and commonly used adverbs that start with “P”. We will look at how they can be used in various situations and contexts, as well as how they modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. So let’s get started!
Adverbs that start with PA
Parceling |
Parallelly |
Partly |
Partitively |
Paraunter |
Parochially |
Pallidly |
Papally |
Paramours |
Paradoxically |
Painfully |
Parliamentarily |
Partially |
Paganly |
Parentally |
Particularly |
Passim |
Parfitly |
Parcel |
Part |
Pardonably |
Participially |
Participantly |
Party |
Palterly |
Pantingly |
Parenthetically |
Paltrily |
Palmately |
Paramountly |
Palewise |
Parlando |
Parcase |
Paramour |
Parlante |
Passably |
Palatably |
Parabolically |
Paraventure |
Paravant |
Adverbs that start with PE
Pellucidly |
Pecuniarily |
Peradventure |
Percase |
Pensively |
Pentagonally |
Penetratingly |
Perchance |
Periphrastically |
Penitently |
Peculiarly |
Perilously |
Peccantly |
Perishably |
Periodically |
Perfectively |
Pedantically |
Pendulously |
Perforce |
Perhaps |
Pellmell |
Perfidiously |
Permeably |
Pedanticly |
Permissively |
Pedestrially |
Perfunctorily |
Permanently |
Perdie |
Pendently |
Peremptorily |
Penally |
Perdy |
Pectorally |
Pell-mell |
Perennially |
Peevishly |
Penitentially |
Perfectly |
Pectinately |
Adverbs that start with PH
Adverbs that start with PI
Piously |
Piu |
Piquantly |
Piningly |
Pickaback |
Pinchingly |
Piping |
Piecely |
Pickpack |
Pitpat |
Pithily |
Piano |
Pitapat |
Pickback |
Piecemeal |
Pickapack |
Pitter-patter |
Pit-a-pat |
Pinnately |
Adverbs that start with PL
Pleasantly |
Placidly |
Pleadingly |
Plainly |
Plastically |
Pluckily |
Plumply |
Plurally |
Plaguily |
Plump |
Plenarily |
Pleonastically |
Plain |
Platonically |
Plumb |
Plat |
Plausibly |
Adverbs that start with PO
Polewards |
Poorly |
Potentially |
Politicly |
Posteriorly |
Pop |
Point-blank |
Polarily |
Poco |
Politely |
Pontifically |
Post-haste |
Posingly |
Posthumously |
Possessively |
Pointal |
Poutingly |
Post |
Politically |
Poureliche |
Pointedly |
Poignantly |
Posthaste |
Possibly |
Ponderously |
Positively |
Post-paid |
Popularly |
Potently |
Pointlessly |
Poetically |
Porously |
Pomposo |
Adverbs that start with PR
Prescriptively |
Prerogatively |
Pratingly |
Precedently |
Preparatively |
Prepensely |
Prejudicately |
Pressly |
Praisably |
Presumptuously |
Preciously |
Practically |
Presumably |
Precipitantly |
Precipitately |
Premeditately |
Presumptively |
Pragmatically |
Precisely |
Predominantly |
Presently |
Predatorily |
Praiseworthily |
Presumedly |
Prelatically |
Prefatorily |
Prelusorily |
Pregnantly |
Prayingly |
Precociously |
Presumingly |
Preeminently |
Pray |
Presciently |
Prestissimo |
Preliminarily |
Preferably |
Preedy |
Presto |
Adverbs that start with PU
Purely |
Puerilely |
Puffingly |
Puzzlingly |
Punctually |
Puritanically |
Purposely |
Pulingly |
Pungently |
Purgatively |
Pursuant |
Puissantly |
Publicly |
Pursuantly |
Pusillanimously |
Purposedly |
Adverbs that start with PY
Adverbs that start with p are plentiful and can be used to describe any action or thing in an array of ways. Whether you are describing a person’s behavior, a situation, an emotion, or an action, adverbs that start with p can help you express yourself clearly. With their various forms, these adverbs can add depth and meaning to your writing, making it more interesting and engaging.