Bird Starting With U & X

Bird Starting With U & X

This guide about bird names that start with the letters U and X! Here you will find a wide range of birds that have been given names beginning with these two letters. Whether you are a bird enthusiast or just curious about these birds, you are sure to find something of interest in this guide. So let’s get started!

Bird Starting With U :

Unicolored Tapaculo
Ultramarine Grosbeak
Unspotted Saw-whet Owl
Unicolored Blackbird
Upland Buzzard
Urich’s Tyrannulet
Unicolored Jay
Ural Owl
Upland Goose
Uniform Treehunter
Udzungwa Partridge
Upcher’s Warbler
Ultramarine Flycatcher
Ultramarine Lorikeet
Upland Sandpiper

Bird Starting With Xa :

Xavier’s Greenbul
Xantus’s Murrelet
Xantus’ becard
Xantus’s Hummingbird

Bird Starting With Xe :

Xenops, Plain

Bird Starting With Xh :


Bird Starting With Xi :

Xinjiang Ground- Jay

Bird Starting With Xo :

Xolmis salinarum
Xolmis dominicanus

Bird Starting With Xy :


The birds that start with U and X are surprisingly few in number, but they are all interesting and unique in their own way. The Ural Owl, Upland Sandpiper, and Xantu’s Murrelet are all fascinating birds that can be found in different parts of the world. Whether you are looking for a bird that is a bit out of the ordinary or a more common species, these U and X birds are a great place to start.

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