Birds Starting With C – an alphabetical list of all the birds starting with the letter C. The human–bird relationship is diverse and varies between cultures and within the same cultures over time. Birds have been targeted for subsistence and sport hunting. In addition, birds have served as pets, fictive family members, or tools in the hunt for other birds, fish and small mammals.
Birds That Start With C
Caatinga Cacholote | California Bluebird | Cockatiel |
California Pygmy Owl | Canada Warbler | Carrier Pigeon |
Chickadee | Caatinga Parakeet | Canastero |
California Gull | Cab-nary Island Chaffinch |
California Quail Towhee
California Quail Thrasher | Calandra Lark |
California Quail Quail
Calayan Rail | Calliope Hummingbird | Canvasback |
Canada Goose | Canary-winged Finch |
Cabanis’s Bunting
Cabanis’s Spinetail | Crow |
Canada Nuthatch
Comorant | Cockatoo | Canyon Wren |
Chicken | Caatinga Woodpecker | Cuckoo |
Campbell Island Teal
Birds That Start With CA
Cacique | Caracara | Catbird |
Canastero | Capercaillie | Camaroptera |
Cassowary | Carib | Cachalote |
Cardinal | Canvasback |
Birds That Start With CH
Chiffchaff | Chough | Chicken |
Chickadee | Chachalaca | Chaffinch |
Chat | Chlorophonia |
Birds That Start With CI
Cisticola | Cinclodes | Cicadabird |
Birds That Start With CO
Cochoa | Coot | Coronet |
Coua | Cotinga | Comet |
Courser | Condor | Cowbird |
Conebill | Cormorant | Coucal |
Coquette |
Birds That Start With CR
Creeper | Crow | Crossbill |
Crane | Crombec | Crake |
Birds that start with CU
Curlew | Cuckooshrike | Curassow |
Cuckoo | Currawong |
Final Thought: A lot was learned about beautiful birds. Stay with us to learn about all species of animals and birds and to learn about the newest and most beautiful species of birds. And share your valuable comments with us.