Flowers That Start With L

Flowers That Start With L – Blooming flower Names

We explore some of the most beautiful and unique flowers with names start with L, from the fragrant lavender to the exotic lily. With its wide array of colors and shapes, the letter L offers us a huge variety of blooms to explore. Whether you’re looking for a reliable bloomer for your garden or a special gift for a loved one, you’re sure to find something perfect amongst the wide selection of flowers starting with L.

Flowers That Start With L

Loosestrife Yellow Lantana-Montevidensis Lenten Rose Hybrid
Lotus Red Lachenalia-Pearsonii Lupinus-Mutabilis
Leonotis Leonurus Flower
Lechenaultia-Formosa Leadwort-Cape Lavendar Cotton Flower
Lady’s Slipper Pink And White
Lavender Purple Larkspur White Flower Loosestrife White
Lechenaultia-Floribunda Linaria Vulgaris Lavatera-Rosea
Lotus White Linaria Vulgaris Edible Larkspur
Lupinus-Arboreus Lemon Verbena Lechenaultia-Macrantha Liriope Muscari
Leucadendron Ebony Lupine Leonotis-Leonurus-Orange
Lotus-Pod Leucadendron-Salignum Lavatera Barnsley
Lady’s Slipper White
Lupinus Nanus Loosestrife-White Leonotis-Leonurus-Allba
Ligustrum Japonicum Texanum Lantana Camara Lavender-Rose-Purple-Haze
Flowers That Start With M
Lady-Slipper-Yellow Lavendar-Cotton-Flower Lobelia Spicata Leadwort Cape
Lotus Red Orange Flower Ligularia Dentata Lupine Red
Ligularia Tussilaginea
Leadwort Ceylon Lunaria-Annua Lunaria Annua Lupinus Albus
Lechenaultia Eldorado Lupin Lantana-Dallas-Red
Lisianthus White Lechenaultia Formosa Liriope-Muscari
Liatris-Aspera Lilac Lantana-Camara
Lechenaultia Floribunda
Ligularia-Dentata Lobelia-Laxiflora-Flower Larkspur Red
Lady Slipper Yellow
Lavender Rose Purple Haze Lavatera Trimestris Lantana Dallas Red
Lisianthus-Yellow Lagerstroemia-Pale-Pink Lechenaultia-Tubiflora Lupinus Luteus
Lotus Pod Lotus Lavender Silk Lilac
Lupinus Mutabilis Leucadendron Salignum Leonotis Menthifolia
Lisianthus Purple Lupine-Red Ligularia Britt Marie
Lysimachia Pollen Vulgaris Lobelia Erinus Leucadendron-Safari-Goldstrike-Red
Lagerstroemia Speciosa
Lavatera Lavatera-Assurgentiflora Lysimachia-Cletroides Lupinus-Albus
Lantana Trailing White Laelia Lechenaultia Biloba
Leucadendron-Ebony Lobelia-Spicata Lavatera-Venosa Lupine Blue
Ligustrum-Japonicum-Texanum Leonotis Leonurus Allba Lagerstroemia Indica Crape Myrtle
Lupinus Polyphyllus
Ligularia Przewalskii Leadwort Plumbago Lisianthus-Green
Lupine Pink Lisianthus-White Lunaria Silver Dollar
Love In The Mist
Lantana-Confetti Lechenaultia-Eldorado Lavender-Purple Larkspur-Red
Lantana Lenten Rose Painted Ligustrum-Vulgare Linaria-Vulgaris
Lantana-New-Gold Lagerstroemia-Speciosa-Purple Lupinus-Texensis
Lantana New Gold
Lantana Montevidensis Lechenaultia Macrantha Lisianthus-Echo-Blue-Picotee
Lewesia Lagerstroemia Pale Pink Lobelia-Inflata
Lenten Rose Flower
Lilac-Single-Dark-Purple Lotus-Red Lavatera Assurgentiflora
Lilly-Of-The-Valley Leadwort-Ceylon Lupinus-Succulentus Lupinus-Luteus
Lenten-Rose-Painted Linaria Leucadendron Pisa
Ligustrum-Sinense-Flower Ligustrum Sinense Flowers Loosestrife-Lythrum-Salicaria
Lantana-Depressa Lavatera Thuringiaca Lupinus Texensis
Lisianthus Green
Lavatera-Barnsley Lupinus Arboreus Lupinus Succulentus Lavender

Most Common Flowers Start With L

Lenten Rose Larkspur Pink Larkspur-Blue Larkspur Blue
Ligularia-Britt-Marie Lysimachia Cletroides Ladys-Slipper-White
Liatris Aspera Lilac Flowers Lechenaultia Divaricata Flower Lavende
Lisianthus Yellow Lemon Balm Flowers Loosestrife Lythrum Salicaria
Lilly Of The Valley
Leucadendron Burgundy Sunset Lechenaultia Tubiflora Lavatera Arborea
Lantana Depressa
Ladys Slipper Pink Lunaria-Silver-Dollar Lisianthus-Purple
Lagerstroemia-Indica-Flower-White Lantana Radiation Ligularia-Ussilaginea Lupine-Pink
Lupinus-Nanus Leucadendron-Pisa Lily Of The Valley Lily
Lobelia-Erinus Lupinus-Albifrons-Flower Lilac-Flower
Ladies-Mantle Ladies Mantle Lupinus Angustifolius
Lavatera Venosa
Lantana Confetti Leonotis Leonurus Orange Lunaria
Lachenalia Pearsonii Ligustrum Vulgare Lenten-Rose-Hybrid
Lavatera Trimestris Silver Cup
Lagerstroemia Indica Flower White Lenten-Rose-Flower Lenten-Rose-Hellebore Lotus-White
Lisianthus Pink Lisianthus-Pink Lavender-Silk-Lilac Lobelia Inflata
Leonotis-Leonurus-Flower Lupine-Blue Lenten-Rose
Lenten Rose Hellebore
Larkspur-Pink Lady’s Slipper Lavatera-Arborea
Leschenaultia Yellow
Lagerstroemia Speciosa Purple Lavatera-Trimestris-Silver-Cup Lavatera Rosea
Lilac Single Dark Purple Ladys-Slipper-Pink-And-White Lupinus-Angustifolius
Lobelia Laxiflora Flower
Lady’s Slipper Orchid
Lobelia Cardinalis

The verdict of this exploration of flowers that start with the letter L is that there are many varieties of beautiful and unique flowers to choose from. From the classic lavender to the more exotic larkspur, there is sure to be a flower to suit any need. With such a diverse selection of flowers to choose from, it is clear that they are a wonderful addition to any garden. Hopefully this article will help you to choose beautiful varieties of flowers.

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