French Words Starting With S

French Words Starting With S – French Words

When learning a language, we often come across words that, translated into our own language, seem bizarre, stupid or funny. In fact, those are the words that I find the most interesting and the most memorable .French  words most common words in all over the world.

In this article , we will learn about some common French adjectives that start with S. We’ll also go over some basic procedures for using these adjectives, such as changing their endings when describing feminine or plural nouns and pronouns.

French Words Starting With S

Saanich Sabord Sadoul
Sabata Sabordé Sagami
Sabbat Sabra Sacrées
Sabbath Sabots Sacrums
Sabins Sabrer Sachot
Sabine Saccade Sacque
Sabines Saccage Sacrum
Sablage Sachiko Sacques
Sacs Saffir Saint
Sagesse Sagone Sainct
Sagittal Sagrada Saints
Sages Saignée Saipan
Sage Salaud Saloon
Salace Saline Salsas
Sajou Sales Salutation
Salami Salicine Salons
Sample Sangrias Savant
Sampler Sarong Scanner
Samplers Satoris Scandiums
Sangria Satrapies Schema
Sarods Sautoirs Schemas
Scheme Supplanter Supplier
Scleroses Scone Supplément
Scolex Supple Suppléer
Superposition Suppliant Supplétif
Superpréfet Supplicier Supporteur
Suppositoire Supposé Suppôt

French Verbs Starting With S

S’abattre Sasser S’abaisser
Satiriser S’abandonner Siffler
S’asseoir S’empresser Sabouler
Salarier S’associe Sanctionner
S’assimiler S’emplir Saborder
S’acharner Sidérer Saliver
Saccader S’achever Sacrer
S’emporter Signaliser S’accumuler

French Adjectives Starting With S

Sagittal Salique Savant
Sabéen Salinier Sinistre
Sabellien Sagitté Sale

Verdict: We have drawn up this conveniunt French food names list with many ingredients you are likely to see on the menu while Vacationing in France or even on a French menu closer to home. It includes the essential French food words, helping you make the most of your French food and dining experiences.

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