There are several words in the Spanish language that learning vocabulary often feels like an overwhelming task. It’s confusing. It feels like trying to find the right book at a library that is completely dark.
Learning Spanish words and phrases is important, as the grammar alone won’t teach you how the language is used by the 437 million Spanish speakers worldwide.
Spanish Words That Start With H
Hundido | Hábito | Haberme |
Herramienta | Hammer | Humano |
Hierba | Hermano | Helado |
Hasta | Hijo | Hipopótamo |
Hallazgo | Hija | Hermano |
Hermana | Horror | Hacedor |
Hablo | Horno | Hacera |
Heredero | Hiena | Hidráulico |
Hoy | Haberla | Hakan |
Hombre | Hagia | Horario |
Hogar | Habitue | Habido |
Helio | Hablo | Humo |
Hablan | Hackear | Hansel |
Hacker | Haeck | Hallux |
Habira | Hombre | Historia |
Hora | Halima | Holandés |
Horóscopo | Hallaba | Hamburguesa |
Hijo | Hafnio | Halva |
Haggard | Hacha | Hueco |
Habano |
Spanish Verbs That Start With H
Hermosear | Halagar | Hospitalizar |
Hacer | Hervir | Haber |
Habituar | Hatear | Hablar |
Hibernar | Hebillar | Hurtar |
Humillar | Horadar | Hilvanar |
Hebetar | Habilitar | Hender |
Hartar |
Spanish Adjectives That Start With H
Herido | Hueco | Holandés |
Helado | Hambriento | Horrible |
Hermético | Hundido | Habitual |
These words are most important in the Spanish language. It includes basic vocabulary like abogado and ague from their respective letters.