Spanish words that start with J are sometimes referred to as “j words”, and are a great accession for your Spanish vocabulary. These words can be added to any Spanish course, or learned on their own.
Spanish Words That Start With J
Jabon | Juicio | Joyero |
Jamas | Juicioso | Jinete |
Jamon | Julio | Jarabe |
Japon | Jungla, Selva | Júbilo |
Japonés | Junio | Júpiter |
Jardín | Junta | Jamaica |
Jardinero | Junto, Juntos | Juzgado |
Jarr | Jurado | Jeringa |
Jazmín | Jurídico | Jaquear |
Jefe | Justicia | Jaqueca |
Jefe/a | Justificado | Jengibre |
Jerarquía | Justificar | Jitomate |
Jerga | Justo | Jubilado |
Jirafa | Juvenil | Judicial |
Jornada | Joyas | Jurásico |
Joven | Jurar | Juventud |
Joya | Jabón | Jordania |
Jubilación | Jalea | Jacaranda |
Jubiloso | Jaula | Jornalero |
Judiciario | Jamón | Juramento |
Judio | Judío | Juzgar |
Juego | Jugar | Jury |
Juego, Partido | Jamás | Justice |
Jueves | Jalar | Justify |
Juez | Jabalí | Junto |
Jugador | Jaguar | Jaque |
Jugo | Jauría | Jota |
Jugo De Naranja | Joroba | Jesuitas |
Jugoso | Jovial | Jerez |
Juguete | Jugada | Jarro |
Justiciero |
This is a list of Spanish words that start with “J”. Read on each word for more details, a definition, and example sentences if it’s applicable for your Spanish words.