Spanish Words that Start With X the language of the “Spanish Church”, is sometimes referred to as “Castilian”. But it has its own separate alphabet! The first letter is “X” and its pronunciation in Spain, and throughout Hispanic Spanish speaking countries, is equivalent to the letter “J” in English. As for French, it uses the same script for its old Latin alphabet that Spain used before Spain was ever under Spanish rule.
Spanish words that start with X
Xantina | Xilófono | Xicalango |
Xenón | Xenobiología | Xerocopia |
Xilófago | Xeno | Xilografía |
Xilofonista | Xochimilco | Xifoidea |
Xoloitzcuintle | Xenófobo | Xapurcar |
Xiloglucano | Xóchil | Ximena |
Xileno | Xenotrasplante | Xilográfico |
Xerográficamente | Xilulosa | Xinca |
Xilo | Xantato | Xilofón |
Xiquena | Xilano | Xto |
Xocoyote | Xoconostle | Xerofagia |
Xilitol | Xalapeño | Xantásilo |
Xerocopiar | Xóchitl | Xenofilia |
Xerografiar | Xantófila | Xifoides |
Xilema | Xutixtiox | Xilografica |
Xántico | -xión | Xunta |
Xeroftalmia | Xenofobia | Xantofila |
Xocoatole | Xero | Xilofaga |
Xilosa | Xdg | Xenotransplante |
Xerografía | Xifoideo | Xerófila |
Xantano | Xerófito | Xenófilo |
Xerográfico | Xavier |
Spanish Nouns Starting With X
Xeneise | Xilocaína | Xantofícea |
Xeno | Ximena | Xifoideo |
Xantofilas-xantófilas | Xeneises | Xenofobia |
Xantofíceas | Xantófila O Xantofila | Xilografía |
Xilol | Xuange | Xilofón |
Xalet | Xanthosoma Sagittifolium | Xifoidea |
Xantófilas Xantofilas | Xantofila Xantófilas | Xantofila |
Xil | Xihuitl | Xerografiar |
Xihe | Xenocida | Xenón |
Xamidimura | Xanthosoma | Xenofilia |
Xantofila-xantófila | Xai-xai | Xilofonitsa |
Xamue | Xantinas | Xenotransplante |
Xantofila Xantófila | Xantófila Xantofila | Xenófilo |
Xamues | Xanthe | Xylofagus |
Xantófilas O Xantofilas | Xanteína | Xerófito |
Xantofilas |
The Spanish language uses ”w” for a number of different purposes and it is sometimes used as a prefix for other words. We often have to learn words in a language can’t understand. This article shares some of the most common words that start with ‘w’ in Spanish. Hopefully this article build up your knowledge and strong your vocabulary