Verbs That Start With B

Verbs That Start With B

Verbs that start with “b” include: bad, build, bind, bite and bent. It’s important to have a strong vocabulary in English. Here are some of the most common verbs that start with the letter B. Verbs that start with B can be tricky to remember. We’ve put together a list of the most commonly used verbs that start with B. Because they have such a variety of meanings, they can be hard to remember. However, if you’re struggling with these words and need some extra practice, we recommend listening to these words as well as other pronunciation tips and tricks that may help you learn them quicker.

List of Verbs that Start with B

Bar Bend Bewitch
Banish Bedabble Brag
Batful Bepraise Budget
Blight Bestud Bepelt
Bat Burgle Bemask
Bawl Bewig Border
Bear Bepowder Bewilder
Bargainee Behowl Brandish
Beslaver Blemish Blast
Beknave Bejape Bethrall
Begrave Burnish Berhyme
Belibel Believe Betongue
Benim Bicker Bronze
Bait Body Besnuff
Bemonster Begem Back
Beknow Belk Blanch
Beat Beatify Barrack
Bemaster Betoss Belime
Befortune Bounce Bottle
Bemingle Bevel Bejewel
Belute Bescratch Buy
Bemaul Bill Bezzle
Bamboozle Bewonder Balter
Belittle Belight Bludgeon
Backslide Buoy Bore
Bang Beal Bepurple
Belee Boo Born
Blubber Besnow Ballarag
Blunge Breathe Base
Bump Beclip Belch
Blockade Buttress Bungle
Baste Blote Berime
Beflower Beam Bard
Bluff Bigging Beware
Belate Bivouac Beduck
Blatter Brain Breeze
Bemangle Behoof Bedrench
Bash Break Begrease
Bellow Begirdle Bolster
Bone Bridle Befringe
Bolden Block Beseech
Bename Bleach Ban
Bemean Bebleed Brutify
Broid Blissom Bewhore
Bed Bequeath Bribe
Buzz Battle Behave
Bemuffle Bewrap Bereave
Bug Bedrizzle Bring
Beblubber Bite Blossom
Bisie Bowssen Berth
Bless Bedrop Beray
Boat Bewreck Branch
Boil Brake Brood
Blazon Beshroud Bulk
Begird Bow Bike
Bedash Boycott Brave
Bemeet Bedust Beclap
Balance Bepaint Breed
Betitle Berain Bolt
Ballotade Bind Bell
Belace Being Belecture
Beleper Bestreak Boss
Babble Blame Bestow
Burden Bolling Bepommel
Bleat Benumb Brick
Blab Bog Beblot
Bubble Bete Beslave
Befrill Begin Begnaw
Buddy Belt Behold
Betroth Brighten Bleck
Burn Board Book
Beginning Bescrawl Bedeck
Bask Bowl Bench
Bark Brite Beget
Bead Blaspheme Betutor
Bank Bestain Beblood
Blur Bail Belong
Becripple Been Boost
Button Broadcast Begod
Bescatter Bunk Butter
Berattle Belam Build
Blare Butt Bedung
Beprose Bestill Bedribble
Browse Bemoil Betrust
Brustle Belove Blaze
Bunch Bedrabble Beg
Bury Booze Backfire
Brown Boot Browbeat
Bromize Beslobber Bust
Brush Buck Bonify
Belaud Belord Blackmail
Bisect Bejade Bargain
Bypass Behead Brutalize
Bemuse Burst Bedevil
Blue Boast Betray
Berob Botanize Bespawl

Most Common Verbs That Start With B

Behave Bury Breathe
Become Bless Bemoan
Be Bite Bash
Beg Behold Bide
Back Bend Broadcast
Book Balance Bathe
Bound Bleed Bid
Blame Bake Breed
Bully Bounce Belch
Boast Boost Bate
Bypass Base Bask
Beware Bind Bereave
Beat Build Behead
Believe Bet Bestow
Borrow Born Beset
Burn Blend Bark
Bring Ban Bestride
Brew Bear Beget
Browse Burst Bespeak
Blow Bother Banish
Begin Block Bullish
Belong Buy Bequeath
Blink Blur Beseech
Break Boil Besiege

Action Verbs Beginning With B

Boosted Balanced Briefed
Blocked Billed Built
Bathe Budgeted Bow

Regular Verbs That Start With B

Bounce Blink Bolt
Bump Belong Bang
Bathe Branch Beget
Blind Bring Beam
Box Buzz Brush
Behave Bow Breed
Become Boast Book
Boil Begin Beat
Bake Battle Bestride
Bruise Borrow Beseech
Bore Break Broadcast
Bleach Burn Bear
Bomb Bite Blot
Bespeak Bless Bet
Beset Ban Bat
Bury Bare Bereave
Blush Bend Beg
Balance Back Bind
Brake Breathe Bubble

Irregular Verbs That Start With B

Bend Bleed Bestride
Bind Bring Burn
Become Beseech Bid
Bespeak Bear Build
Bite Bet Be
Begin Beset Buy
Beget Burst Beat
Break Breed Bereave
Broadcast Blow

Phrasal Verbs Starting With B

Beat Off Bring Around Blow Over
Blow Down Burn Out Bear On
Back Down Back Up Back Out
Balls Up Boil Down Buck Up
Burn Up Back Away Bear Upon
Bump Into Be Down Boil Over
Break Down Back Off Break Through
Be With Block Out Bring In
Boil Off Bring Forth Bring Out
Bring Along Bring Up Break Up
Buckle Up Break Out Boot Up
Beat Up Bottom Out Back Into
Back Onto Burn Down Beat Out
Break Into Bail Out Break In
Bring About Bring Back Bring Off
Beat Down Believe In Be Above
Brighten Up Build Up Bear With
Branch Out Buckle Down Bring Forward
Be Around Break Off Bring Down
Bring To Blow Up Bear Out
Blow Past Black Out Book In
Blow Off Ball Out Bank On
Break Away Boil Up Bubble Over
Blow Out Blow Away Ball Up
Break Even Bring Round Block Off
Be Along

Learn about the most common verbs that start with the letter B. These verbs are  often in the early stages of English learning. I hope you will enjoy it.

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