Verbs that start with C

Verbs that start with C – Commonly Used Verbs

This article will provide an overview of verbs that start with  C. Verbs that start with C are quite common and can be found in many contexts. They include common verbs such as carry, create, and control, as well as less common ones such as conjecture, catalog, and commingle. With so many options, there is sure to be a verb that starts with C that fits the context of any sentence.

Verbs that start with CA

Calve Cack Cabinet Caftan
Caddy Calcine Cabob Calver
Cadence Cabbage Cabin Cable
Calibrate Calefy Calamistrate Calcinate
Cabal Callet Cade Calm
Cabalize Calcify Calendar Cadge
Calculate Cackle Cache Calque
Calk Calenture Calcitrate Cadger
Cage Call Cacuminate Calumniate
Calcule Cake Cajole Calcimine

Verbs that start with CE

Certify Cesser Celestify Center
Centre Cense Cement Cessment
Censure Censor Centralize Celticize
Certificate Centuple Celestialize Centuriate
Cell Cere Cerebrate Cesso
Cess Celebrate

Verbs that start with CH

Channel Challenge Chace Chaperone
Chafe Chaff Charge Char
Chamber Champion Chaffer Chap
Chaplet Chamfer Chariot Chancel
Chark Chant Chair Charm
Characterize Chaperon Champ Chagrin
Chain-smoke Chapel Charcoal Chalk
Chance Chak Chapter Chare
Chafing Chain Cham Chaffern
Character Change Chameleonize Chafery

Verbs that start with CI

Circumvolve Cizar Circummure Circumagitate
Circumstance Circumflect Cinch Circumduce
Cipher Civilize Circumscribe Circumfer
Circulate Circumvallate Circle Circumcise
Circuit Cicatrize Cinchonize Circumambulate
Circumundulate Circumference Circumvest Circumflex
Circumfuse Civet Cite Circumgyre
Circumgyrate Circumstantiate Circumvent Circumnutate
Circumnavigate Circumduct Circinate
Circumrotate Cicurate

Verbs that start with CL

Cleave Cleanse Clapperclaw Classify
Clack Clap Class Claps
Clean Clank Clabber Clangor
Claw Clay Clart Cleat
Clepe Clarify Clerk Climate
Clawback Clearstarch Claim Clench
Clang Climatize Clear Cleftgraft
Clamber Click Clamp Clarigate
Clamor Clasp Clapboard Clam
Clatter Clary Clem Clash

Verbs that start with CO

Coalesce Coal Coact Coat
Cocoon Coax Coffer Cobble
Coafforest Coextend Cob Codle
Cock Coach Coagulate Cogitate
Cockbill Cohabit Cohere Coagment
Coexist Cognize Cog Coddle
Coast Coacervate Coadventure Coarsen
Coannex Coalite Coerce Cocker
Cockle Coadjust Coak Cognition
Codify Coffin Code Cockneyfy

Verbs that start with CR

Crase Cranny Crake Creaturize
Crache Cramp Cream Crap
Crate Crash Crawl Crackle
Cranch Creaght Credit Crayon
Creosote Creep Credence Creak
Crane Craft Craunch Crave
Cradle Cram Crease Cremate
Cracknel Creance Crabsidle Crenelate
Crank Craven Crack Create
Creed Craze Crab Crankle

Verbs that start with CU

Cube Cue Cupel Cuff
Curative Culls Cuddle Cub
Curr Currycomb Culture Cuckold
Curable Cupboard Curd Curarize
Curb Curl Cumulate Cumber
Curtain Cun Curtail Cudgel
Culminate Cullet Curry Curse
Cund Cure Curve Cull
Curtsy Cultivate Currie Cumshaw
Curdle Cup Cuckoldize Curvet

Verbs that start with CY


We will explore the definitions of these verbs, their roles in sentences, as well as examples of each verb in a sentence. We will also discuss the origins of some of the verbs, as well as possible alternative forms. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of verbs that start with C.

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