This article will provide an overview of verbs that start with C. Verbs that start with C are quite common and can be found in many contexts. They include common verbs such as carry, create, and control, as well as less common ones such as conjecture, catalog, and commingle. With so many options, there is sure to be a verb that starts with C that fits the context of any sentence.
Verbs that start with CA
Calve |
Cack |
Cabinet |
Caftan |
Caddy |
Calcine |
Cabob |
Calver |
Cadence |
Cabbage |
Cabin |
Cable |
Calibrate |
Calefy |
Calamistrate |
Calcinate |
Cabal |
Callet |
Cade |
Calm |
Cabalize |
Calcify |
Calendar |
Cadge |
Calculate |
Cackle |
Cache |
Calque |
Calk |
Calenture |
Calcitrate |
Cadger |
Cage |
Call |
Cacuminate |
Calumniate |
Calcule |
Cake |
Cajole |
Calcimine |
Verbs that start with CE
Certify |
Cesser |
Celestify |
Center |
Centre |
Cense |
Cement |
Cessment |
Censure |
Censor |
Centralize |
Celticize |
Certificate |
Centuple |
Celestialize |
Centuriate |
Cell |
Cere |
Cerebrate |
Cesso |
Cess |
Celebrate |
Verbs that start with CH
Channel |
Challenge |
Chace |
Chaperone |
Chafe |
Chaff |
Charge |
Char |
Chamber |
Champion |
Chaffer |
Chap |
Chaplet |
Chamfer |
Chariot |
Chancel |
Chark |
Chant |
Chair |
Charm |
Characterize |
Chaperon |
Champ |
Chagrin |
Chain-smoke |
Chapel |
Charcoal |
Chalk |
Chance |
Chak |
Chapter |
Chare |
Chafing |
Chain |
Cham |
Chaffern |
Character |
Change |
Chameleonize |
Chafery |
Verbs that start with CI
Circumvolve |
Cizar |
Circummure |
Circumagitate |
Circumstance |
Circumflect |
Cinch |
Circumduce |
Cipher |
Civilize |
Circumscribe |
Circumfer |
Circulate |
Circumvallate |
Circle |
Circumcise |
Circuit |
Cicatrize |
Cinchonize |
Circumambulate |
Circumundulate |
Circumference |
Circumvest |
Circumflex |
Circumfuse |
Civet |
Cite |
Circumgyre |
Circumgyrate |
Circumstantiate |
Circumvent |
Circumnutate |
Circumnavigate |
Circumduct |
Circinate |
Circumrotate |
Cicurate |
Verbs that start with CL
Cleave |
Cleanse |
Clapperclaw |
Classify |
Clack |
Clap |
Class |
Claps |
Clean |
Clank |
Clabber |
Clangor |
Claw |
Clay |
Clart |
Cleat |
Clepe |
Clarify |
Clerk |
Climate |
Clawback |
Clearstarch |
Claim |
Clench |
Clang |
Climatize |
Clear |
Cleftgraft |
Clamber |
Click |
Clamp |
Clarigate |
Clamor |
Clasp |
Clapboard |
Clam |
Clatter |
Clary |
Clem |
Clash |
Verbs that start with CO
Coalesce |
Coal |
Coact |
Coat |
Cocoon |
Coax |
Coffer |
Cobble |
Coafforest |
Coextend |
Cob |
Codle |
Cock |
Coach |
Coagulate |
Cogitate |
Cockbill |
Cohabit |
Cohere |
Coagment |
Coexist |
Cognize |
Cog |
Coddle |
Coast |
Coacervate |
Coadventure |
Coarsen |
Coannex |
Coalite |
Coerce |
Cocker |
Cockle |
Coadjust |
Coak |
Cognition |
Codify |
Coffin |
Code |
Cockneyfy |
Verbs that start with CR
Crase |
Cranny |
Crake |
Creaturize |
Crache |
Cramp |
Cream |
Crap |
Crate |
Crash |
Crawl |
Crackle |
Cranch |
Creaght |
Credit |
Crayon |
Creosote |
Creep |
Credence |
Creak |
Crane |
Craft |
Craunch |
Crave |
Cradle |
Cram |
Crease |
Cremate |
Cracknel |
Creance |
Crabsidle |
Crenelate |
Crank |
Craven |
Crack |
Create |
Creed |
Craze |
Crab |
Crankle |
Verbs that start with CU
Cube |
Cue |
Cupel |
Cuff |
Curative |
Culls |
Cuddle |
Cub |
Curr |
Currycomb |
Culture |
Cuckold |
Curable |
Cupboard |
Curd |
Curarize |
Curb |
Curl |
Cumulate |
Cumber |
Curtain |
Cun |
Curtail |
Cudgel |
Culminate |
Cullet |
Curry |
Curse |
Cund |
Cure |
Curve |
Cull |
Curtsy |
Cultivate |
Currie |
Cumshaw |
Curdle |
Cup |
Cuckoldize |
Curvet |
Verbs that start with CY
We will explore the definitions of these verbs, their roles in sentences, as well as examples of each verb in a sentence. We will also discuss the origins of some of the verbs, as well as possible alternative forms. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of verbs that start with C.