Verbs That Start With M

Verbs That Start With M – Meaningful Verbs

Verbs That Start With M  are words that describe an action or occurrence. Examples includemunch,”migrate,”move,”make,”modify,” andmarch.” These verbs can be used to describe physical or mental activities, and they can be used in both spoken and written language. Many of these verbs are also irregular verbs, which means they do not follow a typical conjugation pattern.

Verbs That Start With M

Magnify Mislay Misconduct Mumps
Maintain Misplace Mastering Mingling
Make Misrepresent Mistaken Monologue
Manage Mistake Maze Milt
Maneuver Mistreat Marching Misrepresented
Manifest Mistrust Mute Mated
Manipulate Misuse Modeled Murmur
Manufacture Mob Maximizing Minstrel
Mar Moderate Mound Maul
March Modernize Merging Marred
Mark Moisten Merchandising Mishap
Marry Molest Moist Musing
Mash Mollify Mule Muss
Mask Monopolize Motive Mangled
Match Moo Marcel Mote
Maximize Moor Mortar Meandering
May Mop Motley Mosh
Mean Mope Manifesto Mutter
Measure Moralize Marshal Modernized
Mediate Mortgage Melted Moonshine
Meditate Mortify Multiplied Misfit
Meet Mortise Motorized Marbled
Melt Motorize Menace Mechanized
Memorize Marvel Manure Mutilated
Mend Massage Masked Muffled
Mention Mastermind Mould Mottled
Merge Medal Mirrored Metalwork
Might Medicine Monotone Meddling
Migrate Meed Morals Meander
Mimic Mentor Mountaineering Mesmerizing
Mince Merit Matted Multicolored
Mingle Mind Misunderstood Meld
Minimize More Muck Manoeuvre
Mislead Motor Mace Mire
Miss Muscle Microfilm Mimicking
Misunderstand Muse Mastered Mismatched
Mitigate Musk Mismatch Mortgaged
Mix Must Minimized Malfunctioning
Moan Message Masquerade Marl
Mobilize Mail Measles Mired
Mock Map Motivating Muttering
Modify Made Manned Menage
Modulate Middle Malice Muddled
Monitor Machine Mined Misread
Motivate Modified Montage Mistreated
Mount Motion Moot Maimed
Mourn Mass Masthead Mesmerized
Move Missing Manicure Mutate
Multiply Moved Misguided Mumbling
Muster Matching Molten Muddle
Magnetize Married Multiplex Megaphone
Malt Maintained Midwives Madrigal
Mangle Mesh Midwife Mystified
Mantle Merchandise Mascara Mousetrap
Maraud Mapping Misplaced Maddening
Marinate Meant Mulch Mumble
Martyr Marked Mousse Mopping
Massacre Measured Modulated Misspelling
Mast Marshall Morph Meshing
Master Microwave Mildew Mandamus
Masticate Mixing Metastasis Merited
Mate Mild Misled Molt
Materialize Marble Mitre Monger
Matter Mold Mull Malign
Mature Motivated Matured Methylated
Mechanize Maid Munch Mung
Meddle Mosaic Muted Magnetized
Mediatize Mediated Metalworking Mistook
Medicate Moody Muzzle Meshed
Mellow Mum Muff Morsel
Menstruate Mist Mocking Murmuring
Mess Madden Mutiny Mortified
Metal Manning Marinade Misreading
Mete Merged Multilevel Mugged
Mew Minors Moat Moisturize
Militarize Mapped Moderating Menses
Militate Monogram Multicolor Maim
Mill Molded Matting Miffed
Mime Matte Milled Madder
Mineralize Mates Misused Munition
Mint Murdered Mush Micrograph
Miscarry Maroon Mitigated Mugging
Misdirect Marrow Magnified Mimicked
Misinterpret Melting Motorcycling Mesmerize
Misjudge Manifold Mow Marooned

(List 2) Verbs That Start With M

Macule Moulder Mongrelize Mole
Mining Marauding Meine Muscularize
Malinger Meager Mechanicalize Miniature
Male Mentored Meliorate Moither
Mabble Mumm Magnificate Minify
Miaul Moe Meech Malaxate
Miniardize Mug Malignify Mich
Mineralogize Miswrite Mackle Muffle
Main Miff Misset Macarize
Mad Memorialize Mummify Monish
Malax Making Mottle Moil
Misbehave Metered Molder Mulct
Miche Moate Milden Minified
Malleableize Mell Misteach Macerate
Mutilate Mightily Mans Magic
Mystifying Maculate Mullion Motorcade
Meek Minor Mump Mucker
Macrame Metricized Misthink Melodize
Maiden Mall Meeken Mythologize
Mysterize Managed Member Marketed
Monetize Meach Machinate Monarchize
Minorate Muddy Moonwalk Misspend
Mingledly Mainswear Meeten Misspeak
Mineral Mainprise Major Moble
Mashing Mohammedanism Macadamize Murder
Munnerate Mignon Minute Misgive
Miniate Maffle Magnifies Migo
Moider Mishear Mohammedanize Minge
Memorate Magazine Mouth Mystify

Verbs that start with M are a great way to add variety to your writing. They can help you express complex ideas in a concise and creative way. With so many verbs starting with M, you can easily find the perfect word to express your ideas. Whether you need to describe something, make a request, or discuss a concept, verbs starting with M can be a great help.

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