Verbs That Start With P

Verbs That Start With P – Accurate Words

A list of verbs that start with the letter ‘P’ is a useful resource for helping you to remember these important verbs. This is a list of the most commonly occurring English verbs that start with the letter P.

Have you ever wondered which words start with ‘p’? We have. Especially when we’re trying to develop new ideas and come up with the best name for a company, product or service. There are thousands of words in the English language but only a few actually start with ‘p’.

Most Common Verbs

Plan Pledge Parade
Police Ponderate Pursue
Pulverate Prog Permix
Pythagorize Plain Potch
Partner Pension Paw
Ping Publicize Prize
Perceive Pilgrimize Prance
Peroxidize Plagiary Pillory
Persist Polarize Purpose
Pin Pernor Proke
Padlock Puddle Participate
Patch Plebeianize Profit
Pinnacle Pipeclay Prearrange
Pester Pasteurize Prerequire
Pound Pamphlet Poison
Perfricate Poind Pardon
Pun Present Prolongate
Pain Prohibit Premit
Pulverize Parturiate Pule
Preexamine Plaud Partition
Plancher Parley Possess
Prompt Pet Presignify
Punice Pair Pay
Pash Petrify Prevent
Porphyrize Proach Patent
Panic Perfix Peach
Peg Prophetize Pave

Verbs That Start With P

Pley Precut Preace
Party Praemnire Pudder
Preacquaint Publish Prelatize
Practice Plank Punctuate
Perdure Package Peter
Pshaw Punt Prebendate
Pugging Palaver Propugn
Preadvertise Paynize Personify
Prefine Postscribe Position
Prate Philosophate Pullulate
Popple Pamphleteer Permeate
Pur Preemploy Preconsign
Perflate Process Press
Peace Penalized Pillorize
Precel Patrolled Pedagogue
Poll Phosphorize Perch
Price Perform Prelimit
Page Pooh Plane
Prank Post Poise
Precipitate Point Plat
Placate Perpend Phlogisticate
Pinion Produce Pyx
Polytheize Protend Plait
Peal Perturb Pheese
Peregrinate Pimp Pike
Prioritized Printed Pine
Puree Preappoint Paste
Prepare Produced Peen
Pervading Perpetrate Perstringe
Psalmodize Premonish Pillage
Photolithograph Palpitate Polymerize
Ponder Puppy Prepay
Pocket Peck Paganize
Pup Pucker Pearl
Pelt Pent Perturbate
Pipe Prick Phrensy
Published Partnered Picnic
Protect Preamble Peek
Pinch Peculate Part
Propend Pie Precede
Placard Premerit Planch
Pigeonhole Peruse Pulley
Punish Predeclare Pour
Pitch Pretend Pungent
Pragmatize Propone Penance
Pause Puff Pal
People Paralogize Peninsulate
Put Pulse Preannounce
Pony Passade Poss
Peract Propose Project
Pull Pilgrim Pierce
Peel Pale Purchased
Play Pedal Peculiarize
Policy Pairing Pretorture
Please Preconceive Pencil
Push Pump Phial
Prorogate Pant Palliate
Politure Precaution Piece
Precluded Prenote Peer
Proposed Paralyse Poke
Platitudinize Photograph Pectize
Precept Positioned Preserve
Prattle Pamperize Pioneer
Percolate Perforated Perfume
Preengage Phosphorate Potentize
Plant Persuade Planish
Peptonize Paralyze Phosphoresce
Provant Peddle Page-jack
Predefine Plausibleize Paint
Pluff Pickle Penalize
Pretty Personalize Pee
Plagiarize Preobtain Pollute
Punch Pink Pilfer
Preelect Pop Pendulate
Preconquer Presentee Pyritize
Pomp Promove Permit
Pollinate Palp Persolve
Perk Palsy Plein
Plim Pip Personize
Pare Philippize Patter
Pliable Purulently Preadmonish
Phrase Preshow Pack
Pirl Philander Precalculate
Plate Pumicate Philologize
Plateau Preachify Profile
Prove Pessimize Phlebotomize
Parody Preconcert Propine
Pleased Pool Preambulate
Propelled Polygamize Packet
Paladiumize Parle Poetize
Pod Pleach Praetermit
Punter Provide Palpate
Pignerate Pollenize Pommel
Poop Proceed Peece
Proof Practise Platonize
Predilect Pern Preach
Pole Preact Palatalize
Patrol Pleasure Propulse
Phone Pig Peenge
Pupate Pi Peep
Predesign Pug Palisade
 Priest  Provine Puncture
Pult Picket Palmer
Physiologize Petition Pustulant
Panel Pleat Print
Plash Program Pat
Pinch-hit Pervade Pummel
Precogitate Peak Promulge
Pad Progress Purfle
Pamper Platform Polytype
Plead Pell Pyne
Pall Philosophize Plug
Plague Poach Pacify
Physic Pedantize Painture
Persecute Permitted Pact
Panegyrize Preconize Pill
Patrizate Poniard Pinpointed
Pulp Preprovide Pepper
Prelect Pass Pickeer
Palatinate Pend Presaged
Pan Pride Pilot
Palisado Politize Pick
Promote Preclude Peragrate
Phase Pile Pertain
Presspack Practicalize Polish
Philter Perspire Pulsate
Perempt Pretypify Pasture
Pliant Prayer Pebble
Perce Perish Postillate
Prease Personified Pugger
Parent Preorder Patronize
Posted Promise Postposit
Prearm Pray Pond
Prepense Pervert Pontificate
Polished Pigeon Publicized
Pulvil Provided Palate
Pomatum Preselect Piddle
Praise Platinize Plenish
Preominate Picture Plaster
Pattern Puke Puritanize
Purple Precognosce Paraphrase
Precompose Postexist Penetrate
Persevere Preponder Pace
Peise Palter Pageant
Precondemn Psalm Plete
Polite Park Picturize
Palm Pose Perpetuate
Pollard Predoom Particularize
Piloted Pue Pressure
Papalize Purled Polling
Preerect Paddle Purchase
Palatize Prefer Pen
Passage Pedestrianize Place
Promerit Pillow Predicted
Prescind Perforate Physiognomize

Final Thought: There are many verbs that start with P, but in order to learn the ones that start with “P”, you need to know a little bit about English grammar. This post will help you get started by telling you the definition of verbs that start with “P” and also providing examples

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